Wednesday, August 10, 2005


I met with my friend, Dave, today. We meet almost every week. Dave is much younger than I, a bit more "hip," and much more of a tecno-geek. He taught me in the mid-eighties how to use a computer - a Commodore 64. He told me nearly 20 years ago about something called a modem that you put on your computer and connect to other computers. My response: "Why would I want to see in someone else's computer?" He just said, "Wait and see; it will be great." A few years later the internet came along.

Then he showed me email - how it worked, etc. I told him that it was a fad that would never catch on, since a phone call is quicker. He even had an article published in our denomination's magazine, basically stating that pastors will have to email in order to survive. I laughed my way all the way to an email account. He has since introduced me to instant messaging, routers, firewalls, spam blockers, virus protection, skype (an internet phone system), RSS, omea readers, bluetooth and blogs. He has always been a visionary in the tech field. He is a person I highly respect and trust.

Today I committed to do a new project with him. This is something that makes me scratch my head, but it sounds exciting, and he has always been right in the past. So, while I am not at liberty yet to discuss our project, we hope to soon be able to announce to the world our bold new technologically-driven stream of ministry. Maybe the reason I can't talk about the details yet is because I don't quite get it, but I will. Keep watching this page for further updates as the launch of this new endeavor gets closer. -Jeff

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