Saturday, September 03, 2005


Call me crazy, but last night I talked with a group in Indianapolis called Katrina Hurricane Relocation Organization. It is a group made up of Red Cross, Salvation Army and the Hope Center. Yesterday, Marsh grocery sent a plane to La. with food, when they arrived they decided after unloading plane they would fill it up with evacuees and bring them back to Indiana. Sixty people arrived last night. They are being processed by the Red Cross and will live in Mass Housing for about 30 days, they they can be connected to a host family that will help them make the transition to their own housing. Our family volunteered to be a host family. Theeeeeennnnn believe it or not I am now the coodinator of Katrina Hurricane Relocation for all of central Indiana. FEMA believes that there will be 4000 people in Indiana by this weekend. They will be housed in the State Fair Grounds. My job is to secure host families, interview, build profiles, explain what is needed and expected and to Cordinate evacuees and hosts. Hosts should have the families living with them for 6-8 months. However, FEMA money will help them get a new start. I will be coordinating job banks, securing a warehouse to collect furniture etc to help evacuees get a new start, and am not sure what else. This whole organization came into being on Thursday and today is Saturday. Today I attended a meeting in Indianapolis and as soon as we got home......See next entry.

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