Monday, September 26, 2005

Not enough ways to say "Thank You"

"Wow!!!" and "THANK-YOU" is all I can say this Morning. God has been so good to us in the relocation process. Yesterday afternoon, at least 8 car loads of folk from the Howe and Pretty Prairie Untied Methodist Church(located in Northern Indiana almost on the Michigan line) came into the warehouse and sorted through all the bags and boxes of clothing. They literally handled thousands of articles of clothing separating the good from the bad, the boys from the girls, the mens from the women and the winter from the summer. We now have marked boxes of clothing that we can get to quickly when we run out of clothing on our "give away floor". I have never seen a group of people that were so determined to complete the task at hand. This group of over 30 people, led by Pastor Dewey Miller and his wife Shannon, literally did what would have taken us several weeks to do in a matter of 3.5 hours. There are no longer bags of clothing piled to the ceiling. There are no longer bags of clothing anywhere. I am very anxious for the regular workers to come in today and see the bags gone. Thanks again for being the hands and feet of Jesus as we together help those in great need.


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