- 350 pounds of salmon
- 200 pounds of instant potatoes
- 300 pounds of rice
- 500 pounds of individual cups of chocolate and vanilla pudding
- 120 pounds of pasta
- 600 cans of fruit
- 450 packages of Raman noodles
- 420 pounds of peanut butter
- 48 cans of black beans
- 24 jars of pickle relish
- 300 pounds of table salt
- 42 bottles of juice
- 24 boxes of cereral
- 52 loaves of bread
- 68 bags of corn chips
- 32 cans of black olives
Friday, June 30, 2006
A Ton of Food to Distribute
Monday, June 26, 2006
Did you want your burger wet or well...

Wednesday, June 21, 2006
New Podcast
The show is here.
Saturday, June 17, 2006
News Article from Grace United Methodist Church
Be sure to check out the picture link Jeff
Allelon, The Sunday School Class,Lends A Helping Hand To
Urban Outreach's Sunday Cookout.
Allelon, The Sunday School Class,
Lends A Helping Hand To
Urban Outreach's Sunday Cookout.
Delegation and coaching won out. The gang mastered assembly-line bagging of give away food. And you would have enjoyed seeing them rise to the challenge of fast food service - - scrunched buns, splattered ketchup, crushed chips and all.
Seriously, the team worked well together. But what's an activity without a few glitches?
As they arrived the rain drops started. The sky darkened. It was touch-and-go for awhile. The group feared the gloomy, chilly weather might ruin the picnic. It didn't. The families knocked down 80 hot dogs.
Shirley Hoy, master "condimentier" enticed the kids to smile as they picked up their meals.
Jeff Newton brought 30 comfortable plastic chairs. That way people could sit down as they ate.
Rob Pinto and Ralph Cory took pictures. Go here to check them out:
The extra help freed up the teachers to play with the kids. The kids crowded the teacher as she blew up and tied the baloons. Then they seemed everywhere as they scurried about trying to keep them in the air.
Paul Zimmerman proved a soft-touch for seconds at the cookie station.
Karin Pinto proved masterful at "packing and arranging". She missed her real calling.
Karen Zimmerman developed true expertise in the fine art of "bunmanship". And Leanna Zimmerman created a strong support station for her mother as she slapped the dogs into the buns.
Suddenly it was time to clean up. One little boy asked Jeff,"Pastor Jeff, do you have to go?" Jeff said, "I'll be back next week."
As the group walked back to Trinity UMC, 3 of the children tagged along. They played with their teacher - - and hi fived it with the rest.
You can help these kids. Each week it's a struggle to find enough sodas. It'd be great to switch them out for juices sometimes. But that seems a dream. I think Jeff would "beg, borrow, or steal" to get some of your home baked cookies. It gives the kids a special treat.
You can even leave them at GRACE UMC and Urban Outreach will pick them up. Just let Jeff know. You can reach Jeff at 765-461-9618.
Remember, there's nothing like the love and trust of a child.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Feeling better? sort of
Please pray for Jim he is 22 with a 6 year old daughter that he has raised totally by himself since birth. He works in Logansport at Tysons(about 15-20 miles from here). He got a raise and they raised his rent and then he got his hours cut(no hogs right now). He went to housing to talk about not being able to pay all the rent right now and they told him his car was a luxury and he needed to sell it to pay the rent. Of course, if he does that he can't keep his job. He collects cans at our cookouts to buy gasoline to get back and forth to work. He also has some dental issues that he needs addressed but has no insurance and no way to pay. Please pray for him in his difficult time. Oh yes, as we have been praying for Jim a volunteer on Sunday Night has befriended him and is walking with him and is being sure this month's rent is paid --which Jim and his daughter will not be evicted(becoming homeles) and his car does not have to be sold. Jim is experiencing the Kingdom of God.
We've been praying for Shar who is expecting a baby in July. She is living with her sister in the apartments which is against the rules, if caught she will be homeless. She has nothing for the new baby. However, God has provided everything she needs. We are going to throw a surprise shower for her on her doorstep in a couple of weeks. We are bringing a baby bed filled with gifts and we are setting up a card table with a cake and punch. The Kingdom of God is Near!!
Jane is a single mother of three who is really a great mother. However, the stress of life, has been almost too great. Her children went to her ex husband's house for a couple of weeks and somehow he was able to gain temporary custody of the children. As I and several others worked with Jane we were able to get her to legal aid who assures her, that the children will be back with her soon. The Kingdom of God is Near!!
The other night my son Jon was up late and heard yelling and a gunshot. The neighbors called police, no one was hurt. The Kingdom of God is Near!!
It is exciting that God is using KUO to make a difference in the lives of so many. Without your prayers and your support, many folks we are working with would never see the Kingdom. Everytime God's will is done on earth as it is in Heaven, we see the Kingdom of God. God is at work with his people to make things right. We are seeing God's Kingdom come in a little 4 block area of Kokomo that needs to experience the Good News of the Kingdom. What is really neat is that so many of our volunteers are seeing what the Kingdom of God is like as they work with us.
Thank you in advance as you continue to pray for us and that we will be effective builders of God's Kingdom in Kokomo. Jeff