Saturday, November 25, 2006


The Wednesday night Thanksgiving Dinner was a success. We served 190 neighbors and 70 volunteers a great dinner. It was hard to believe that the total was over 250. If you have been to our fellowship hall you would know we experienced a miracle. That night every child went home with a package of new socks and a toy. Adults went home with a doorprize(TV, Mircowave, knick-knacks, socks etc). Twenty some winter coats were distributed, along with blankets. We were blessed to have over 80 volunteers from who knows how many different churches. We used real plates and silverware, keeping every very busy.

On Thursday, Chris' family met at her mom's new house (right next door to us) for dinner. There were 29 present. Patric and Laura were not there as they went to be with her family. It was a great time.

On Friday, I subbed at the Academy which is always interesting, that day was no different. Of course our weekly load of bread was delivered and several coats along with a bike.

Today I am preparing to attend a church craft bazaar in which the proceeds will come to the outreach. Tomorrow I am looking forward to church, hanging of the greens in church at 1:00, having the children's dinner at 5:00 and a concert at 7:00 where a freewill offering will be collected for the Outreach.

I am seriously thinking about taking Monday off. Thanks for the prayers. Jeff

Monday, November 20, 2006


Yesterday was a great day in church. John showed up. John is a 25 year old neighbor that lives with Jamie. I have known John since we have moved in. He is a very angry guy. He struggles with , has been a meth user. John and I have developed a friendship over the past year. He is nice enough, but can't keep a job and is under-educated. As I said, John showed up yesterday. The scripture was from Luke 8:26- 39. It was the story of Jesus and the guy who had legions of demons in him, living in a cemetery. The sermon center around who possesses you, God or other things. I named other things like , greed, , etc. At the end of the sermon we sang, Precious Lord take my Hand, and asked if anyone need to take the Lord's hand to be lifted out of the graveyards or dark places. Two people came forward, one was John. John accepted Christ and then asked if he could be baptized right now. Chris had a bottle of water and we baptized him on the spot. As I was baptizing him I was thinking of how Phillip baptized the eunuch on the spot, just found some water and did it. That's what we did too. I can't explain how God is moving here. I have never, ever seen anything like it. Please keep praying.....Jeff

Monday, November 13, 2006


I have just finished an Advent devotional that will be sent to all supporters and to anyone else that would like to have one. It is a collection of stories about people in our neighborhood, along with a few insights of how poverty effects families. All the stories have been read to the people they are about and they have given permission for me to use them. One is the story of a single father named Scott, here it is:

The shiny large cross necklaces hung around his neck. It seemed so big for such a little guy. He was being held by his father, who by the way had on the same necklace. Scott is a single dad raising a nearly two year old boy. They both look alike, dark crew cut hair, same eyes, nose and sheepish grin. Scott also has a daughter. His daughter lives with his wife and his son lives with him. Scott‚’s tattooed arms, goatee, the bling of his jewelry, and his black clothing makes it obvious that he is not a “Ward Cleaver‚” kind of Dad. Those that don‚’t know him might never guess it, but he did more than father a child, he is a dad. One of the best I have seen. He pulls his son in a red wagon all over the neighborhood. Scott is a quiet man, sticking near his apartment, full of wisdom and seems to be making good decisions. He holds his son with pride, he loves him unconditionally, he strives to do what is right, he protects him from the harsh realities of life that sometimes surfaces in the neighborhood. He spends all of his spare time with his son. He is the kind of dad that every child longs for, a dad who building a child who will grow into a man who will respect others and be a man of integrity.

Last night Scott asked to speak to me after the children's outreach. He has never attended church in his life, he knows nothing about religion(his words). He just asked me why we were so nice to him. We have taken him food, clothing even though he has never asked for anything. He couldn't believe that I would include him in the booklet, he could not figure out why we care for people in the neighborhood that no one else cares about. He wondered why we help people that we know are doing or a host of things he didn't think Christians like. He was taken back by the kindness he has received. I told him we were just trying to show him the love of Jesus. He asked about Jesus, he knew nothing about him. I told him that Jesus offers peace. He explained that peace for him was like a word on the wall, he had no idea what that was like. One thing led to another and when Scott left, he was a changed man, he said he experienced peace, a peace that he said he couldn't explain. Maybe that is what the Bible meant when it talks about the peace that passes understanding. Please keep up the prayers. Things are rapidly moving from meetphysicalscal needs but also spiritual needs. ----Jeff

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Tooo long

I just realized I haven't posted anything for a long time. It has been kind of busy. Chris's mom bought the house next door to ours and moved from the edge of Greentown to the middle of Kokomo. Her new house is smaller, easier to heat, needs little work, and a smaller yard. She drives to Kokomo about everyday, now she is here. She is 5 minutes from the bowling alley and 5 minutes from the senior citizens center. She is near her doctors and the hospital. So far she likes it. We also had a big 80th birthday party for her, that was a lot of fun.

  • As far as the outreach we have around 20 kids coming to sidewalk Sunday school at Pine Valley and between 60-70 kids coming to Trinity. This past weekend we had a carnival at both places. The children were well behaved and won lots of prizes.
  • The children's space that we are trying to create at Trinity is going slowly, but surely. We have an artist that will be covering the walls with murals and carpet is coming for the area as a gift from a local church.
  • We are still collecting coats, hats, gloves and socks for children. However the coats are slow coming.
  • Our meals on Sunday Night are now being provided by a local business owner.
  • I just received word that we will be receiving a $5000.00 grant for our Annual Conference.
  • I resigned from the Kokomo Academy as a substitute teacher. They wanted me to work two extra hours a day for the same amount of pay. I decided I did not want to work for free. I would not get home until about 4:00 PM before the schedule change I was getting home at about 2:10PM.
  • I am just about finished with Advent devotional. It will be completed this week and should be printed in various locations next week and then be distributed to supporters and local churches.
  • I am making presentations for KUO at 4 church board meetings Lutheran, Episcopalian, congregation, and Church of God) hoping to garner support for the outreach and/or opportunities to work with the churches to reach into their neighborhood.
  • I will be speaking at St. Luke's UMC on Nov. 12 for all three services. It is their mission Sunday, I am looking forward to it.
  • We are planning for a Thanksgiving Eve dinner at the church. The food will be provided by the Kokomo Rescue Mission. We are presently recruiting volunteers we need about 70 we have about 50.
  • St. Andrews Episcopalian church is having a craft bazaar to support the outreach (Nov.25).
  • The KUO board of directors are putting together a Christian Concert to support KUO (Nov. 26).