Wednesday, December 05, 2007

100 Things I’m Grateful For

Recently, I found a website that suggested you can solve problems by listing one hundred ways to do it. There were also suggestions to spur on other kinds of thinking. So here are the 100 things I am grateful for:
  1. God loves me no matter what
  2. My wife who stands by my side no matter what
  3. My children
  4. My extended family
  5. My friends
  6. Trinity UMC
  7. Cassville UMC
  8. The Outreach
  9. Supportive Board of Directors
  10. Volunteers
  11. Those supporting us in the outreach
  12. Those praying for us in the outreach
  13. Transportation
  14. Food to eat
  15. A place to live
  16. Clothing
  17. A Job
  18. A paycheck
  19. Health
  20. My neighbors
  21. Churches that I am privileged to work with
  22. Clergy friends
  23. Beauty of the earth
  24. Children we work with
  25. Children in the churches
  26. Youth I know
  27. Community leaders
  28. Bridges Outreach
  29. United Way
  30. Kokomo Rescue Mission
  31. Domestic Violence Shelter
  32. C.A.M.
  33. Open Arms
  34. YMCA
  35. Carver Center
  36. The Huddle
  37. Food Pantries
  38. Web friends
  39. Medicine to keep me healthy
  40. Encouraging words
  41. The Bible
  42. Prayer
  43. Spiritual Disciplines
  44. Worship
  45. People catching on to Missional Living
  46. Sight
  47. Love
  48. Peace that passes all understanding
  49. Second, third and fourth chances
  50. Full stomachs
  51. Sidewalk Sunday School and staff
  52. Casual Clothes
  53. Casual Clothes
  54. Casual Clothes (It is getting harder here)
  55. Lowell UMC
  56. Attica UMC
  57. Faith UMC
  58. Hillsdale UMC
  59. Ingalls Indiana
  60. My education
  61. Having everything I need
  62. Focused Vision
  63. New ideas
  64. Opportunities to meet new people
  65. Opportunities to speak to groups
  66. Community transformation
  67. New Christians
  68. Growing Christians
  69. Churches who move outside the walls
  70. My computer
  71. Daylight savings time
  72. Running water
  73. Hot shower
  74. Clean clothes washer/dryer
  75. Music
  76. Books
  77. Healing
  78. Wholeness
  79. Memories
  80. Making memories
  81. Adventure
  82. Journey
  83. Seashores
  84. Compassion
  85. Forgiveness
  86. New Life
  87. Trust
  88. Hope
  89. Restoration
  90. Salvation
  91. Experience(s)
  92. Quiet Times
  93. Solitude
  94. Fun
  95. Laughter
  96. Joy
  97. Being satisfied with what I have
  98. Giving
  99. Receiving
  100. Smiling faces