Monday, July 16, 2007

Food Glorious Food

We have had two awesome weeks in the Outreach. We received hundreds of cans of food on the Fourth of July with the "Give for the Good" food drive. We are beginning to collect backpacks and hygiene supplies for back to school gifts. Yesterday we had parish nurses take blood pressure at cook out. They were busy the entire time. Tonight we begin Vacation Bible School, we had many kids sign up yesterday at the cookout. Next Monday we begin Kid's Cafe, will be serving lunches to anyone who wants to eat, weekdays until school starts. I was unsure how we were going to provide the lunches. We received many large cans of fruit and vegetables from the food drive, but the fresh food was going to be an issue. Friday I received a check from the Bishop of the UMC. At Christmas time most churches collect an offering for children in poverty. I did not apply as I did not know I could. I was surprised to receive a check for $1,400.00. We will be sending food home with the children on Friday to help over the weekend. No one should go to bed hungry and hopefully no one in our neighborhood will in the next few weeks before school starts.

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