Sunday, May 26, 2013

Stories of Flood Affected Neighbors

A 92 year old man was reluctant to leave his rented house and all of his belongings. There was mold growing on walls and on his tile floor.  With no family in the area was finally convinced to go to a motel and a niece from Pennsylvanian  took him home with her.   While he escaped with his life he lost everything. 

We just received a thank you note from his niece saying,      " the first thing we did when we got to PA was get him to a doctor.  We caught his pneumonia just in time.  He is doing much better. He wants his own place but we agree it is best for him to stay here with us for now.  We had no idea how bad his house was.  He is very precious to all of us and he will be well taken care of.  Again thank you to Kokomo Urban Outreach and Officer Gunlight   for caring for him.
One man had just paid off his car, had it parked in front of his house and had no idea that the street was flooding in the middle of the night.  He is not sure what he is going to do.
A paraplegic was in her hospital bed during the flood.  The water  rushed across her in the middle of the night. She lost here electric bed an her electric wheel chair. For four weeks she slept on a futon mattress on the floor.   She is now in the hospital because flood waters gave her an infection.  Good News:  Homeland Security purchased a bed and wheel chair for her and she will be moving in with family members. 
Churches like Fresh Start, First Congregational Church and others were first on the scene after the flood water receded helping families carry out wet furniture, carpet etc.    Thanks church for being the Hands and Feet of Jesus.
Travis Taflinger of Bridges Outreach has spent countless hours in the homes of flood affected families, not only mucking out basements but listening and praying.
A ten year old boy and his mom and dad came to the Flood Recovery Center to get some clothes for the boy.  They did not know about the Center, the boy had no clothes.  He was wearing a pair of his dad's jeans, holding them up with his hands as he tried to walk without them falling down.  He had not been to school for three weeks.  Because of the community's generosity the young man has some clothing and went back to school.

I could go on and on.  Deanna a KUO staff person did a great job in organizing and helping our neighbors.  If you want to hear more stories just ask her.   Please keep all flood affected families in your prayers.  Just because the water is gone and things look good on the outside of a house, there is still a great deal of damage on the inside both with physical structures and spirituality. 

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