Monday, March 20, 2006

First Day of Spring?

Spring is finally here. Kind of. We are under a winter storm advisory and to the south of us is a winter storm warning for tonight and tomorrow. I know this winter storm will only be temporary as by Thursday or Friday all the snow will be gone and spring will start to arrive. In ministry and in life there are seasons when we go through difficult times. The past couple of weeks have been a bit more difficult than previous weeks. The church is struggling, the second service we added is fading away quickly, our financial picture is rather bleak and more members are becoming seriously ill and homebound. We quietly wonder how much longer the church will survive. At the same time last night at the Children's Sunday Night Outreach we were short handed(we only had 14 helpers it takes 25), the children were difficult. I took care of 5 kids that could not participate in their class, they could not focus. We had a kid throw up in one class, we had two older s get in a very heated yelling match and a toilet was stopped up. Pretty challenging. Like the winter weather coming our way, I know that things will be better next week. I know that this is just a season. Thank God better weather is coming. Please pray for a larger base of volunteers for Sunday Night. Our goal is to have two leaders for every 3-5 children. We also desire one leader be a male and the other a female. Thanks again for your support and prayers. Jeff


The Boy said...

Up in Lowell we have had almost no snow that has lasted for more than 2 days. I would consider you lucky. Jake W.

Jeff said...

Wby are we lucky, Jake? Snow stinks:(
I want sunny and 80!!!!! No snow.