Sunday, March 26, 2006


Today was a good day. We had 34 in worship with people being excited about having church article in the paper. I was able to recruit 4 people to pass out doorknob bags in the neighborhood this Saturday. On Saturday we change our clocks forward for the first time in 40 years, since most are not used to this. We are putting a reminder note along with a 9 volt battery in the door knob bag saying:

Just a reminder to set our clock one hour ahead tonight. It is also a good time to change the battery in your smoke detector. We want to offer you this free gift to remind you that God cars about your life, and so do we. Please remember to let us know if we can help in any way.

We signed it "the church next door" and included service times and contact information. Sunday night with the kids went better. We still need more help, but it was much better. We sent two bags of food home with the children and passed out several others. The bags not only had food but also toothbrushes, soap, toilet tissue and candy. I
also saw God do an incredible thing on Sunday Night. The four streams of Outreach for KUO are 1) making contact with neighbors through acts of kindness 2) Provide a focused ministry in a neighborhood(we have done that through Artreach and Sunday Night Outreach) 3) provide a safe place to explore Christianity 4) Organize neighbors into groups where they begin to serve their own neighborhood and reach out to under served neighborhoods in their area.

We have been able to do streams 1 and 2. However, I have been wondering how 3 and 4 would work. I thought providing a safe place to explore Christianity would be held at a certain time and place. I thought it would be a well planned event. It didn't happen that way. It was a spontaneous time after the Children's Outreach on the porch of a neighbor. A couple of others joined us and we had "church'. Maybe things are more organic and fluid than I thought. Maybe we are the water under the bridge, flowing where God would lead us.

One other thing happened today. A younger woman who live across town, asked if she could collect food in her neighborhood that would be given to KUO to be given to children on Sunday Night. I made her the Neighborhood coordinator for Project E.A.T.(Everyone Ate Today), read about it here, she will not only be collecting food but meeting neighbors.

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