Saturday, June 04, 2005


Scripture Foundation
(Marching Orders)
Matthew 10:5-11(The Message)

Jesus sent his twelve harvest hands out with this charge: "Don't begin by traveling to some far-off place to convert unbelievers. And don't try to be dramatic by tackling some public enemy. Go to the lost, confused people right here in the neighborhood. Tell them that the kingdom is here. Bring health to the sick. Raise the dead. Touch the untouchables. Kick out the demons. You have been treated generously, so live generously. "Don't think you have to put on a fund-raising campaign before you start. You don't need a lot of equipment. You are the equipment, and all
you need to keep that going is three meals a day. Travel light."When you enter a town or village, don't insist on staying in a luxury inn. Get a modest place with some modest people, and be content there until you leave.

What is Kokomo Urban Outreach?

K.U.O. is a network of churches, organizations and individuals that have a heart for hometown missions. Our goal is to help folks to think and live missionally

The Four Streams
"Contact “
is way in which we can connect with people. The purpose is to listen to concerns and needs of neighborhoods and/or communities. They can be well planed events such as acts of kindness, sporting events, concerts, or simply everyday living. It may happen on a sports field, in a restaurant or
at the gas station.

“Ministry Outposts"
are "Places" where focused ministry needs are made available(a way to meet people). Perhaps a ministry would be started as community in response to what was heard during contact stage. A “focused ministry” can take place in a coffee house, store front, a park, a Wal-mart , a bookstore, laundromat,an apartment complex, sidewalk, or almost anywhere. Ministries could include childcare, VBS, fellowship, praying, Bible Studies, tutoring, food services......

"Provide safe places to Explore Christian Faith"
these are places or events where spiritual journey's can be shared and explored. Traditionally, small groups or Bible studies is where the faith is explored. But what would happen if Christianity were explored in the midst of serving others? Non-Christians working along side of mission minded Christians.

Missional Outpost(Small Faith Communities)"
is a group of believers who gather for worship, study, prayer, covenant and encouragement. This group would be empowered by the Holy Spirit to live missionally, especially within their own neighborhoods/communities. Missional Outposts will be scattered throughout the city.

The Goal is to reach people
encouraging them to begin a journey with Jesus and by helping make a difference in the world. Sort of like being on a mission with God.


Points to Remember....

· This is a very low pressure "sell". We simply listen, love and care. We will stay away from the high-pressure evangelism of the past.

· Take people where they are....we will not be judging anyone. We are called to simply love them.

· We will interact with culture and not avoid it.

· We will the love of Jesus to others so they can experience the love of Jesus.

· · The goal is to help those we are ministering to begin to minister with us.

· Small is okay...big isn't always better.

· We are not trying to make mini churches that are just like the churches we attend. We are asking God to form communities of faith in which the commands of Jesus are being realized. It's where people are being loved and are learning to love others like Jesus.

·· We are on a journey with those who Christ yearns for. The journey is more important than the destination.

· We want to be a part of the Kingdom Movement and are not interested in an Empire.

· People who are experiencing God are not duty-bound to join a church. The Small Faith Community could function as a church.

· People will not be discouraged from attending a church if they desire.

· Buildings are not what are important. Community is what is important.

If You Always Do... What You Always Did
You Always Get... What You Always Got

Expected Outcomes
· Reach People for Christ.

· Goal not to start another traditional church which makes the plan conducive to having people in established churches working in ministry without taking them from their current church

· Established churches could be revitalized as they begin to reach out of their walls

· Since the goal is not to necessarily to get people into established churches there would be no competition from networked local churches

· Neighborhoods would be revitalized by those living in the neighborhood as they understand how to live Missionally by loving God and neighbor

· Small Faith Communities doting the city, addressing community needs-- both spiritually and physically

· Transformation of not only families but neighborhoods and whole communities

Support Needs

· Prayer Support---PRIORITY

· Openness to new direction and new s of ministry
· Financial Support for specific Ministries

· People being called to Mission work to step forward


Anonymous said...

Checking out your site, Jeff. Incredible! What a blessing you are & will be! Just wanted you to know I'm remembering to pray for you, your family, and this new ministry. Go with God!

wtc921 said...


Your site is awesome!! Thank you for articulating so clearly the four streams of connection. As a church revitalization pastor I really appreciate the perspective that you have taken with your ministry.

Continuing to make disciples for Christ! - WTC

Anonymous said...

I've volunteered with Kokomo Urban Outreach at Garden Square and Pine Valley a number of times this year and trust me, it is a Win-Win situation.

Pastor Newton, you are proving how God can lead a small congregation forth with love, compassion, and justice with simple food.

"saint" Mary shared with me yesterday at Pine Valley KUO's vision plan.

God's Holy Spirit then invited me to "Pray Earnestly, Listen Carefully, Trust Fully" ...


Anonymous said...

Thanks Jeff

Thanks for helping us get back to what the job really is. Thanks for helping us remember that we do not save souls. We love them. God saves them.