Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Bad weather

Just went through a tornado warning. Sirens went off and those living right across the street from us, became very nervous, there was full blown panic. There are no basements in the Apartment complex. We opened the church basement up and it quickly filled with people. Young mothers, young fathers, and many small children. Our boys did a great job in gathering children around them with coloring pages, drinks etc. some of the mothers were weeping causing the children to become upset. We were able to calm everyone down and things got better as time went on. At one point the church lights dimmed but did not go out, however, all the power around the church went down. We had a great time getting to know our neighbors and actually ministering to them. We are keeping the simplied ministry before us: Make friends, throw parties, tell stories, and give gifts. It feels like we accomplished a great deal of that tonight. Please continue to keep us in your prayers. Jeff

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